House approvals take far too long to get council sign-off
Australia’s worsening housing and rental crisis is being compounded by planning delays, according to the Housing Industry Association.

THE time it takes to get planning approval is compounding Australia’s worsening housing crisis, according to the Housing Industry Association.
HIA Executive Director, Planning & Environment Mike Hermon said: “If you submit an application for a new home or major renovation today, you are unlikely to get approval to start this side of Christmas.
“Standard house approvals are taking well in excess of 6 months.”
The HIA says planners are buckling under the weight of current approvals without addressing the necessary 40% increase of housing that Australia desperately needs.
“All states and territories have recognised that significant planning reform is needed which HIA strongly supports,” he said.
“Yet on the ground homeowners and builders are seeing no meaningful change and instead the opposite is occurring.
“House and apartment approval timelines continue to take longer and getting more complex to obtain.”
The HIA has compiled a Scorecard to assess each state and territories planning systems progress against implementation of the Planning Blueprint measures.
No state has scored greater than a three out of five on progressing these key reforms.
“It has been positive to see Governments announce their various intentions to implement planning reforms over the last few months,” he said.
“Though announcements in themselves do not deliver housing outcomes for homeowners.
“Simply put the time for business-as-usual solutions to planning and zoning issues has passed. Instead, we need bold leadership by all tiers of Governments.
“HIA’s Planning Blueprint Scorecard sets out important initiatives to progress the necessary reforms to get shovel ready land delivered faster and ultimately resulting in getting Australians into much-needed housing sooner.”
Planning Institute of Australia chief executive Matt Collins criticised the HIA for what he described as putting speed ahead of quality.
“We need to see better quality outcomes, not just fast ones,” he said.
“Planning is essential to delivering the right housing in the right place.
“Good planning makes sure that housing works alongside all the other things communities need like jobs, transport and spaces for recreation.
The CEO also condemned the HIA for what he described as spurious claims about planning delays without evidence.