Essential intervention to provide worker housing boost
A state-backed plan aims to create new units essential workers can afford to live in, but officials are yet to reveal how much cheaper the rent will be.
Australia stepping up to the challenge
A state-backed plan aims to create new units essential workers can afford to live in, but officials are yet to reveal how much cheaper the rent will be.
As home ownership falls, rents grow and the cost of living continues to surge, older renters will need more help when they enter retirement, a report has found.
Planning reforms, streamlined development approvals and a strong focus on land releases are helping South Australia solve the state's housing shortage.
Three housing industry bodies have voiced concerns about approvals for apartments and units going in the wrong direction.
Building prefabs in a factory can cut construction times down to 10 to 12 weeks - compared to 18-plus months through traditional methods.
Funding essential to unlock land and to deliver infrastructure - such as roads, water and sewerage – that housing developments require.
Forty-eight out of the 50 regions in a new REIQ report have landed in what they classify as a tight rental market.
Just 22 per cent of Australians surveyed were satisfied with the availability of affordable housing, the lowest level since Gallup started conducting the polls in 2006.
Deal welcomed by housing industry bodies but they say more needs to be done to hit 1.2m homes target
Price rises of 7.6 per cent are more than double the rate of CPI, signaling another dent in the government's 1.2 million homes target.