Home building to pick up in 2025, but only modestly
Housing construction is expected to ramp up this year but labour shortages, builder insolvencies and higher global inflation pose headwinds.
Housing construction is expected to ramp up this year but labour shortages, builder insolvencies and higher global inflation pose headwinds.
The wait goes on for homeowners sweating on an interest rate cut but the Reserve Bank hints long-awaited mortgage relief is getting closer.
Tens of thousands of extra rental properties will be added to the housing stock under altered tax settings that have passed parliament.
RBA governor Michele Bullock spells out why Australia's central bank is yet to cut interest rates despite easing starting other peer economies.
Inflation rate held for a second month at 2.1 per cent in October, coming in a little below expectations - but the RBA is unlikely to cut before 2025.
Low and middle-income Australians struggling to crack the housing market will soon be able to buy with a smaller deposit via federal help.
Investments that help boost housing supply will be prioritised under a revamped mandate for Australia's $230 billion sovereign wealth fund.
Pay packets have been expanding strongly as demand for workers remains high but slower growth is expected as the economy weakens and the labour market slackens.
Cutting red tape standing in the way of modular home construction will be rewarded by the federal government via a new fund aimed at spurring states and territories towards a suite of productivity-enhancing reforms.
Australia faces slower growth and additional inflation from a second Donald Trump presidency, but the Treasurer believes the nation is well placed to withstand financial shocks.