Retiring renters face homelessness as ownership falls
As home ownership falls, rents grow and the cost of living continues to surge, older renters will need more help when they enter retirement, a report has found.
As home ownership falls, rents grow and the cost of living continues to surge, older renters will need more help when they enter retirement, a report has found.
Complaints about scams and financial hardship have grown by 81 per cent over the past year, according to AFCA.
Modest adjustments to property investors' tax concessions will save billions in the federal budget and help fund housing supply, independent senator David Pocock claims.
Incentives to build more rental properties in the midst of a housing crisis may not improve the landscape unless protections are built in, experts warn.
As technology evolves, so do criminals, and the government must update its infrastructure and standards to keep Australians safe, an expert has urged.
Asian connections have made Australia a prime target for dirty cash, the regulator warns as the government is chided for failing international standards on countering money laundering and terrorism financing. Drug trafficking and money laundering were being utilised by “large and highly functional” criminal organisations with one even running an…