Chances of February rate cut increase on inflation data
Core inflation fell to 3.2 per cent in the year to December, which is its lowest level since 2021 - putting pressure on the RBA to cut rates.
Core inflation fell to 3.2 per cent in the year to December, which is its lowest level since 2021 - putting pressure on the RBA to cut rates.
House prices will rise by 3.3% over the next 12 months and by a stronger 6% in 2026 - with unit prices outpacing houses, according to KPMG.
WA led the national rankings, coming first in five of the eight economic indicators - with QLD moving up from third spot joining South Australia in second place.
Deal welcomed by housing industry bodies but they say more needs to be done to hit 1.2m homes target
Price rises of 7.6 per cent are more than double the rate of CPI, signaling another dent in the government's 1.2 million homes target.
The Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission has laid more charges as part of its investigation into alleged financial gains linked to builder registrations signed off by the Victorian Building Authority.
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Renters could save up to $2,600 in interest over 10 years to provide much-needed emergency savings if required.
While 60,000 new homes are needed every quarter, only 44,884 homes were built across Australia in the three months after the Accord kicked off.
The slowing property market is turning into a win for renters and first-time buyers, according to economists.