Kickbacks to real estate agents should be illegal for all conveyancers
Property lawyer George Sourris says kickbacks should be outlawed across Australia as the practice is fueling a race to the bottom mentality.
Property lawyer George Sourris says kickbacks should be outlawed across Australia as the practice is fueling a race to the bottom mentality.
Real estate lawyer Nadine Wismayer is one practitioner pushing back against race to the bottom trend that is plaguing conveyancing.
Moves to regional Australia are 80 per cent above the pre-COVID average, according to a new report.
A much larger-than-usual For Sale property pool highlighted that the housing market is slowing as the cost-of-living crisis continues to bite.
Tens of thousands of extra rental properties will be added to the housing stock under altered tax settings that have passed parliament.
While homeowners have seen 40 per cent growth since the start of COVID, 2025 appears to be shaping to be a buyer's market.
Government incentives will go some way to helping the 7 out of 10 Australians who want to buy a home in the next five years but feel they won’t be able to.
RBA governor Michele Bullock spells out why Australia's central bank is yet to cut interest rates despite easing starting other peer economies.
Thousands of residential units need to be built to accommodate the nuclear submarine project’s 20,000-plus workforce, according to new research.
Inflation rate held for a second month at 2.1 per cent in October, coming in a little below expectations - but the RBA is unlikely to cut before 2025.